Food Fights and Frugal Finds: Final Edition?

final food fights

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Food Holidays and Frugal Finds

  • National Croissant Day is January 30th, and Burger King has one-cent Croissan’wiches if you jump through two hoops: Be a rewards member and purchase at least $1’s worth of stuff.
  • National Hot Chocolate Day is January 31st. I didn’t find any deals. I just wanted you to know that. Because hot chocolate is one of my favorite things ever.
  • When I tell you that’s all I found, I’m not joking. There’s no free food running around despite major marketing opportunities. Hell, I didn’t even mention National Chocolate Cake Day.
  • Are they holding out for the national holiday of bowls being super? I did see a bunch of deals for that.

Other News

  • I’m considering retiring this feature or only posting when I see a lot of actually free stuff. If you have major objections, please let me know. I like saving folks money on food. Otherwise, this might be the final edition.
  • If you’re visiting Des Moines, Iowa or want a little joy in your life, my other content suits you!

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Love, chai, and donuts, 

Seeta Lee

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