Foodie 515, 5/27/2024, Des Moines Food News

What are your favorite local eateries, Des Moines? Share in the comments!

Disclaimer: From photography to writing to design to administration, I create everything at G3 with no sponsors or venture capital. I’m a DSM native, a woman of color, and a chronic pain sufferer. I strive to be financially independent by the end of 2025. To that end, I thirstily humbly ask for your support! Please:

  1. Check out the affiliate links in this post,
  2. Become a paid subscriber, and
  3. Buy me a chai or two through Ko-Fi!

Thank you, and I’m grateful for your clicks! On to the food!

Custom creation from Al's Dairy Freeze outside of Des Moines

Openings, Closings, and Such

Write your to-eat list in a WTF Notebook! Super portable way to keep track!

You can’t eat this girl for lunch, but you can find where to eat lunch! Subscribe today to stop the terrible Billie Eilish references!

Bits and Bobs

Some day, I’ll sell my own books at Bookshop, but in the meantime, peruse my reading recommendations, which include food reads!

WTF, Des Moines?

  • It’s the grossest read of the month. Iowa Capital Dispatch’s Clark Kauffman rounds up the results of recent restaurant inspections in Iowa. Always best to read this on an empty stomach. And before you go out anywhere. Especially, apparently, a popular barbecue chain.
  • Axios’ report on the decline of weekday lunches out makes me wonder hope places like South Union Bread Café will survive. That would be a terrible loss if they closed.
  • Something called Sugar Boogar is opening in Martensdale, Iowa, and I cannot.
  • This is . . . quite the Reddit thread about The Keg Stand (tw // sexual harassment). You can’t trust all you read, well, anywhere, so take it for what it’s worth.
  • I’ve had three disappointing eats in the last week, and they were all from places about which I’ve heard endless praise. This is why I hate hype. Very few restaurants live up to the hype these places have had, and it’s almost unfair to them.
  • At 5:30 this morning during the storm, the DM Scanner Squad group on FB shared a burglary report at the SE 14th Dunkin’. I had the same reaction as this commenter:
Screenshot of report and response reads, "In this weather?!"

You Can’t Even Get a Big Mac for $5

  • What’s new at G3:
    • Coming in ONE WEEK! A Comprehensive Guide to Local Drive-Thrus!
    • For June:
      • Gems: A place where you can get Gansito shakes
      • Guides: My LGBTQ+-owned eateries guide
      • Goodies: It’s my jam. It’s also a bad pun. Can you guess what it is?

Subscribe for free and get Foodie 515 every week! Pay just $5 and get ALL of the extras at Gems, Guides, and Goodies! Next week is the last week Foodie 515 will appear on my website!

Life in General

  • The best things I ate this week included:
    • An Oreo waffle cone cheesecake snowstorm from way-the-fuck-out in Grimes at Al’s Dairy Freeze. It was my own creation. I’d do it again.
    • The Hot Rod from Lachele’s Fine Foods . . . I can’t share photos yet, but it was so good that I got a little angry at it.
    • Chubbs Chicken n’ Fries chicken tenders . . . more on that soon!
  • This Gummy Bear Light from Uncommon Goods brings us a lot of joy!
  • Why does Meta get tax exemptions from state governments? This shit deeply pisses me off.
  • I’m very low on food pics because nearly all of the dining out I’ve done in May has been for work. I’m getting that sorted in June. Apologies though. I’d like this to be a little prettier, you know?
  • Personal shit:
    • I took melatonin, still struggled to get to sleep, finally fell asleep, then was rudely awakened by my CPAP trying to suffocate me because our power went out at 5 a.m. along with 22,000+ other central Iowans. I then took my “stay awake” meds, and let me tell you: My body is confused as fuck.
      • Thank you to the MidAmerican Energy crews for working quickly!
    • I’m working on a podcast in which I get vulnerable about all of my mind and body struggles. If you’re interested, please do let me know!
    • I’m taking a few days off next week. May has been extremely challenging professionally.
    • Reminder: Please pay your writers, and please do so in a timely manner. If not for my three subscribers here (not joking), I wouldn’t have been paid since the end of February (also not joking).

I’d like to say I’m going to Chicago during my time off, but I’m not. But if you are, I HIGHLY recommend the Marriott Marquis! The views are stunning!

Until next week . . .

Love, chai, and donuts, Seeta Lee

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