Site icon Seeta Lee: Writer

Foodie 515, 5/27/2024, Des Moines Food News

What are your favorite local eateries, Des Moines? Share in the comments!

Disclaimer: From photography to writing to design to administration, I create everything at G3 with no sponsors or venture capital. I’m a DSM native, a woman of color, and a chronic pain sufferer. I strive to be financially independent by the end of 2025. To that end, I thirstily humbly ask for your support! Please:

  1. Check out the affiliate links in this post,
  2. Become a paid subscriber, and
  3. Buy me a chai or two through Ko-Fi!

Thank you, and I’m grateful for your clicks! On to the food!

Openings, Closings, and Such

Write your to-eat list in a WTF Notebook! Super portable way to keep track!

You can’t eat this girl for lunch, but you can find where to eat lunch! Subscribe today to stop the terrible Billie Eilish references!

Bits and Bobs

Some day, I’ll sell my own books at Bookshop, but in the meantime, peruse my reading recommendations, which include food reads!

WTF, Des Moines?

You Can’t Even Get a Big Mac for $5

Subscribe for free and get Foodie 515 every week! Pay just $5 and get ALL of the extras at Gems, Guides, and Goodies! Next week is the last week Foodie 515 will appear on my website!

Life in General

I’d like to say I’m going to Chicago during my time off, but I’m not. But if you are, I HIGHLY recommend the Marriott Marquis! The views are stunning!

Until next week . . .

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