The Unparalleled Flotsam and Jetsam: Now Craving Chocolate

Our Random Wrap has a new name! Because this section is truly about what we’re all craving: Joy. Also, I was playing with the SEO Headline Analyzer, and as an English major and writer, that was way more fun for me than it should’ve been.

Timely Craving: Very Serious Food Holidays

  • 9/9: National “I Love Food” Day: No deals that I saw, but I hope everyone celebrates!
  • 9/12: National Chocolate Milkshake Day: Fast and casual eateries shot their load over Labor Day, so nearly nothing interesting to share here. But I could go for a chocolate malt now.
Food craving fuel by Victor Rutka on Unsplash
Food Photo by Victor Rutka on Unsplash

Locally Craving the 515: For My Desmoinians

I’m no longer using Instagram (directly), so I’m not seeing the same food stuff I usually do. This section will probably become intermittent especially because The Reg does a nice job with what’s going on over the weekends. As do Monica and Des Moines Girl.

That said . . .

I'm still craving this chocolate mousse cake
Chocolate mousse cake and the only picture I took


Meme craving: Me looking at every pain in my body asking "Is this my midlife crisis"

What I Was Craving This Week

A screenshot of my sleep apnea results from last night (AHI 2.8, Usage 9.12 hours, mask fit 100%). I'm no longer craving sleep!!

I’ll be back on Monday with a post about what I’ll be doing when I write that post. I swear that sentence will make sense later.

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