Ozempic Adventures: The Conclusion?

While my journey (I hate that word) with Ozempic is nowhere near done, I’ve reached a point of stability with it. Here’s where I stand with Ozempic and how I got here. If you haven’t read why I considered firing traditional medicine, my rage at the pharmaceutical industry, what happened when my primary care physician increased my Ozempic dosage right before a vacation, and my other thoughts on Ozempic, those will bring you current in this mess.

Journal Prompt: How Will You Advocate for Your Body Today?

I answered that body journaling prompt a few weeks ago by booking an appointment with my doctor to air my grievances over her recent recommendations for me. Despite my protests, I had to pay just to have a conversation. It’s probably only doctors and lawyers who charge you to discuss your complaints with their service.

That being said, my doctor is a reasonable, kind physician, and our chat proved productive. She taught me the following:

  • The side effect of thyroid tumors was only found in rats, and the chance is small
  • The “eat better, move more” recommendation is a blanket statement most doctors give to damn near all of their patients
  • Get you a doctor who will hear our your frustrations with doctors always saying “lose weight” and will use that to provide better care for you from that moment on out
  • You’re the boss when it comes to you and your doctor

It’s the last one that got me. I’d be curious to see how many people think they’re in charge between them and their doctor. How many of us just do what the doctor says without questioning it?

Ozempic & I Forever?

When she told me I got to decide if I wanted to stay on Ozempic and, if I did, what the dosage would be, I felt a bit dumb. Somehow, I knew that. I’ve turned doctors down on recommended meds before. But I’d never thought to say to her, “No, that dosage is too much.” Yet I’d just done the same thing with my psychiatrist four days prior!

I blame childhood trauma for my confusion, which is a post for another day.

Let me guide your body journaling life! Every Tuesday, Wholies (my Patrons) receive a new body journal prompt. Wanna be a Wholie?

My derp face over my Ozempic silliness
Sometimes, you just have to derp at yourself.

She gave me several options: Stay where I was with Ozempic, change the dosage, try a different med, or get off the meds completely because my blood sugar is in a good place. (Woohoo!) I asked for a few days to ponder it, and she was happy to wait.

I took a week off Ozempic completely, then decided to drop the dosage from 2 mg to 0.5 mg, which is where I felt I tolerated Ozempic best. I took the reduced-dosage injection on Wednesday, and I’ve not had any acid reflux symptoms now for two days. I feel like I have a decent but still small appetite. And I’m no longer farting like an untied balloon set free.

This is how a med should feel: Effective but unobtrusive.

So, now we wait. Will it continue to do the job of controlling my blood sugar? Will I see the impact in my body elsewhere? Will it ever come down in fucking price now that it seems Mounjaro is winning out over Ozempic? (Oh, Eli Lily. How did you get your hooks in so deep?) Who knows the answer to any of those things, but I’ll update you in a few months.

Don’t miss a post like I keep missing lunch (thanks Ozempic). Subscribe to our newsletter, and get reminders every other week. You get a free body journal prompt too! I literally had to put a reminder in my calendar to eat lunch, so we all need reminders, right?

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