National Nut Day: The Unparalleled Flotsam and Jetsam, 10/20/23

brown nuts on table

>>Get 5% off Geeky Sex Toys with the code wholedamnwoman5 (affiliate link), and this wasn’t inspired by National Nut Day, I swear (that I’m lying)<<

Timely Craving: Very Serious Food Holidays and News

  • I haven’t come across any food holiday deals, but I’m telling you about these because I can.
    • 10/22: National Nut Day. I have more jokes. I’ll keep them to myself.
    • 10/25: National Greasy Foods Day because why not?
National Nut Day is coming.
I’m amused about National Nut Day because I just ordered pepitas and got them as I was working on this. That’s actually true. It’s not just because I’m immature as fuck.

Other Food Deals

ICYMI and Other Cravings: Nothing about National Nut Day

  • Please support The Appalachian Retreat and Spa’s Indiegogo!
  • Monday’s post will be about food prices, and I have a question: When did $10+ become the going price for so-called artisanal ice cream? Can I blame Jeni’s? I’m sure their products are great, but I haven’t had any yet because I can’t justify spending that much on ice cream unless your name is Pints by Beth.
  • Yeah, I’m starting to feel less guilty about getting bottled water.
  • Nope. I’m not out here trying to be a Clicker.
  • If you ever wonder why I do this, lemme tell you a mini-story. I’ve always been a person who knows about random shit especially websites. I like research, so every day, I seem to find something new that’s useful. When I was still teaching, I met with a student who–at the end of our conversation–called me “resourceful.” It was the first time anyone called me that, and I took great pride in it. Still do. As I’m not teaching anymore, I end up with tons of useful shit, and I don’t have a regular outlet for it especially since I closed my business. Hence, this blog and this weekly feature. I’d love to know if you’re finding it useful! Please share your thoughts below or email me!

Locally Craving the 515: For My Desmoinians

  • Both Raising Canes in Johnston and Northern Lights Pizza in Grimes passed their inspections, so expect those to open within the month.
  • Something called Dead Meat Beef Jerky will be operating out of Kitchen Spaces community kitchen. I *think* this is their website, but I’m not 100% sure.
  • Speaking of Kitchen Spaces, it is rapidly becoming the hub of Black-owned pop-up eateries. If you aren’t visiting them, you’re missing out. I know I am. I had no idea so many new businesses were operating out of there including Chef Tony’s Culinary Delights and DoneRite SoulFood.
  • A Mexican restaurant called Toro Loco is opening next to Cosi Cucina. Supposedly. We were at Cosi last week, and I didn’t even notice anything. I’ll blame it being dark.
  • Speaking of Cosi, GOOD GOD THEIR PIZZA. I mean I love everything I’ve eaten there, but we’d never ordered pizza for dine-in. It catapulted to my favorite pizza in town.
  • Embassy Club West had SIX violations in their recent inspection. That’s not necessarily a high number, but it is for a place with a reputation like Embassy Club. Frankly, we’d eaten there once for an event, and I was definitely not impressed.

Not a Craving: Food Allergies

In all seriousness, food allergies suck, and National Nut Day reminded me of that. I have some food allergies, and I’ve been fortunate that they aren’t intense so far. I do carry an Epipen just in case.

One thing Hubster and I noticed when we vacationed in the U.K. this summer was how almost every eatery asks about food allergies. That’s not a thing in the States yet, but it is slowly becoming the case. For instance, when you make restaurant reservations on Tock, there’s an opportunity to share if you have allergies.

Until we’re regularly asked about allergies, something like FARE’s Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan is pretty handy. Also, the app Sifter can help with grocery shopping, though it doesn’t cover my allergy yet, so it is limited. Lastly, this Chef Card to notify chefs about your allergies could be SUPER helpful, and I plan on carrying multiple copies from now on.

Also, buy some books and Loop earplugs, please 😀 (affiliate links)

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