Foodie 515: Des Moines Restaurant News, 4/1/2024

Des Moines Foodie 515 4-1-24

Des Moines, only 22 of these Kum & Go memorial shirts printed!

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Des Moines Openings, Closings, and Such

Joyful Things

WTF, Des Moines?

  • La Cabaña is absolutely not here for this dude’s nonsense.
  • Is this Pura’s fault? From what I’ve heard, the management at Lyon Apartments wanted Pura gone for other reasons long before this happened.
  • We all saw this coming, right? I mean, right?
  • We’ve been to Simon’s once. Neither of us liked it. Every time we pass it and see the line of people waiting to get in, we’re baffled. This only solidifies our confusion. (Scroll about 3/4 down.) I mean no ill-will toward Simon’s. I just don’t get it.
  • Happy Easter to those who celebrate! As I don’t, I have no Easter-related content.

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