Chai and Donuts: The Unparalleled Flotsam and Jetsam, 10/27/23

chai and donuts

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Timely Craving: Very Serious Food Holidays and News

  • 10/27: National Breadstick Day
  • 10/28: National Chocolate Day
  • Heads up: Friday, November 3rd is National Sandwich Day! I’m already seeing deals, so be sure to pop in next week before you head to lunch.
pouring chocolate batter into cupcake moulds

ICYMI and Other Cravings: Cozy up with chai and donuts . . . and books!

Locally Craving the 515: For My Desmoinians

Chai and donuts from Mayalu (OK just one donut)

Not a Craving: Why chai and donuts?

I’d always close Whole Damn Woman’s newsletters with “Chai and Donuts,” but it didn’t hit me until I was editing the Mayalu photo that I’d ordered precisely that. I love chai, and I love donuts, so “Chai and Donuts” is my way of sending you love.

So, for this week, chai and donuts,


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