Foodie 515, 5/13/2024, Des Moines Restaurant News

Hey, Des Moines! Where are you eating this weekend? Let’s chat in the comments!

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Crisp and Green salad as the background of this week's splash graphic for Des Moines

Neato Stuff for Des Moines

Trade a book; take a book! Free Book Trade tomorrow! RSVP here!

Book trade graphic in Des Moines

Openings, Closings, and Such

REMINDER: Foodie 515 is moving to Substack. Please subscribe for free today! Or you can be a paid subscriber too! It’s only $5 a month.

Bits and Bobs

WTF, Des Moines?

  • As Reddit Des Moines likes to say, fuck Crow Tow. I don’t think the owner of Crow Tow knows what the word “transparency” means. Where’s Inigo Montoya when you need him?
Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  • I grabbed lunch at a massively popular new spot that has gotten a ton of hype, and I was underwhelmed. I had all the sads, y’all. Maybe it was an off day. I’ll give them one more try because I know the chef is one of the best in town, and I’m gonna be sad if I don’t like this place.
  • Has anyone eaten at Bernardo’s Burritos? I’ve literally never heard anyone mention it.
  • When it comes to barbecue, I much prefer Kue’d Smokehouse.
Kue'd Smokehouse's Redneck Nachos outside of Des Moines

Des Moines Drive-Thru Guide: Coming Wednesday!

Our DSM Drive-Thru Guide arrives Wednesday! It’s a comprehensive list of all the local eateries with drive-thrus. It’s for paid subscribers only! So, I just met you, but subscribe to me, maybe?

Subscribe now

After June 1st, I won’t be posting on this blog.

Life in General

  • Three people got cupcakes for following me on IG! What should I give away next month?
  • I wanna host a cake picnic! 🍰
  • The best things I ate this week included:
    • My absolute favorite sandwich in the city, the Royal Bird at The Walnut. You know I’m there for the food when I can’t be bothered to take pictures.
    • I also enjoyed a footlong at an Iowa Cubs game. Footlong hot dog, to be clear. In case any of you are as pervy as I am.
      • Speaking of which, did you know I’m launching a new brand in September called Sexyish? It’ll house my fiction work and sex education content.
  • I’m working on two posts that aren’t part of the regular rotation. They’re meaningful to me, and I hope you give them a read. They will both be (mostly) free.
  • Thanks for your patience with my lateness last week. I re-learned a valuable lesson in time management and reading things as soon as I get them. Woof.

Until next week!

Love, chai, and donuts, Seeta Lee

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