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Food Fights and Frugal Finds: The Whipped Cream Question

The Whipped Cream Question

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Food Holidays and Frugal Finds

More Whipped Cream Content?!

  • One of my favorite chefs to learn from is Alton Brown (dumbass comments aside). I have several of his books. I want to try his whipped cream recipe. The only problem is that I don’t really cook anymore. Bodies, man.
  • My late MIL once made a pumpkin spice dump cake. It consists of a boxed spice cake mix, a can of pumpkin puree, and two eggs. That’s it. With a massive amount of whipped cream and some homemade tapioca pudding, it’s one of the best desserts Hubster makes.
  • I’m intrigued by several products on this list.
  • I won’t lie: I lick the whipped cream nozzle tip. Actually, what I do with it is probably more appropriate for my fiction writing. I know it’s gross, but the only other person in the house is Hubster, and I’m confident he already has my germs. But I just realized I don’t rinse it off when I’m done with it (this is getting more inappropriate in so many ways), and yeah, that’s tremendously gross. Ah well. We all have gross habits. I shall correct this one. Sorry, Hubster.
  • And no, in this household, there is no such thing as too much whipped cream.
This slice of pie was from Colorado Cherry Co., which is now Legacy Pie Co. in Denver.

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