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The Unparalleled Flotsam and Jetsam: Craving the Beans on National Coffee Day!

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Timely Craving: Very Serious Food Holidays and News

Today–Friday, September 29th–is National Coffee Day, and it’s a biggie if you are craving the beans. It’s such a biggie that I’ve simply listed my sources and who is doing deals below that. I actually lost track of the number of articles I saw this morning alone. Go get caffeinated, friends. It’s also National Mocha Day, so bonus?

Some additional food days coming up this week:

On to the coffee deals!

Photo by Viktoria Alipatova on . . . I actually rarely drink coffee. I’m a chai woman. But I like coffee. It just doesn’t like me.

ICYMI and Other Cravings

Locally Craving the 515: For My Desmoinians

Craving choux de craquelin from Sweet Dude!

Not a Craving: The Traveling Stormtroopers

These idiots* belong to my chiropractor and friend. They visit different parts of his workspace. This particular setup made me laugh. There’s a story here. I’m guessing the one with the blaster shot the one in front in the head accidentally, and the one on the right is reacting. Meanwhile, the blaster stormstrooper is like, “Shhhh, he’ll know!”

*Don’t at me. Stormtroopers are notorious for being idiots.

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