Site icon Seeta Lee: Writer

It’s National Taco Day? I think?

close up photo of mouth watering tacos

Photo by Los Muertos Crew on

I mentioned National Taco Day in last week’s Flotsam and Jetsam, but I didn’t research deals.

But as The Takeout mentioned it last night, I figured I’d share. So, if you want tacos today, there are a few places with deals such as Del Taco, Taco Bell, and Long John Silver’s . . . naturally.

Now that Taco John’s doesn’t own the rights to Taco Tuesday, shouldn’t National Taco Day fall on a Tuesday from now on? Just sayin’.

Still. Tacos. Go get ’em. Better yet, go local even if they don’t have deals because local tacos are always better. Don’t at me. Unless you have recs for tacos.

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