Site icon Seeta Lee: Writer

Food Fights and Frugal Finds: Supper or Dinner?

food, dinner, group of people making toast

Photo by fauxels on

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Food Holidays and Frugal Finds

The dearth of food holiday deals continues, and I’m learning this is normal for this time of year. I’ll be curious to see when they start up again. But I’m still gonna tell you about the food holidays this week because they amuse me.

This Section Is Not Edible

  • Blogging is a never-ending experiment, which is why you might’ve noticed another name change and switch in content. I’ve removed the reading-related section, which will likely begin as a separate blog post. And I’ve added the food fight. Because why not? The internet loves arguing about food. In fact, the dinner vs. supper debate was a suggestion from a reader. So, thank you to that person twice over!
  • Turns out, there actually is a difference between supper and dinner. We stan Merriam-Webster.
Photo by Michael Burrows on

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