Site icon Professional Contrarian


The best way to contact me is via email because I am a Xennial, and I won’t let email die.

You can also visit all of my pages:

Please note that I am no longer on any social media outside of Instagram or LinkedIn. Please also note that I do not like phone calls, nor do I like physical mail. I’m a writer. Email me. It’s way easier!

Reasons to contact me

Reasons NOT to contact me

Because this is a values-based business, please check out these incredible organizations!
Iowa Abortion Access Fund

One Iowa

Des Moines Public Library

Want to Contact Us about our Values?

Get to know where we stand first.

TL;DR–Professional Contrarian is a sociology-informed, values-laden company.

The Long Read: Businesses cannot and do not operate in a vacuum. The worldwide sociopolitical climate affects every aspect of all life on Earth. The values we individually and collectively uphold reflect in our politics and vice versa.

To that end, Professional Contrarian directly opposes extreme right-wing efforts that maliciously harm people for who they are. We also oppose efforts to implement, maintain, and enshrine systemic discrimination. We oppose misogyny, sexism, racism, classism, ableism, ageism, heterosexism, Christian nationalism, and any other efforts to make straight, male, White Supremacist Christians the default, irrefutable hegemonic power. Please do not assume a binary position. This does not mean we hate straight people, white people, Christians, men, or anyone who identifies as a combination of those social groups. What we want to see is a human race that holds all people equal regardless of identity or circumstances. We want to see political action to legislate discrimination disappear.

We want a world in which the authentic, flawed, developing self is revered.

We flat-out oppose malicious harm.

We recognize that we all judge one another, as it is human to do so. However, we are learning to assume good intent of others and to avoid holding underinformed judgments against anyone. We ask the same from anyone reading this. We want to help improve life, and we value anything that improves life for everyone.

Professional Contrarian stands firmly with people who have been historically excluded and discriminated against because of their appearance, belief system, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, veteran status, employment status, housing status, biological makeup, ethnic background, age, citizenship status, marital status, conviction record, mental health, nationality, family status, and more.

Professional Contrarian supports the United States of America’s First Amendment rights. You have a right to express whatever you want. You are not, however, free from the consequences of what you express.

Thank you.

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