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Accountability: 500 Words for 11/3

woman with long manicure taking notes in copybook

Photo by Anete Lusina on

Here’s today’s accountability: I took this draft that you’re not allowed to see yet from 403 to 1,149 words, so I’m still chugging on the 500 Words a Day Project.

That said, I have about a million other things to do today, so I can’t justify sitting in front of my computer just to write. Even though I’d be perfectly content doing that, especially if I were being paid. Someone hire me, please.

Quick note: To avoid filling my blog with mini-posts like this, I’m going to find another way to hold myself accountable. I think I’ll share a graphic or something on IG. So, pop over there starting tomorrow if you want to make sure I’m sticking to my plan.

Per always, yell at me if I don’t get it done or don’t update.

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